Mod Reposts

JamLib comes with a simple checker that is able to determine if a mod file looks like it has been downloaded from a repost site.

If you are using our template mod, this works out of the box. Otherwise, you will need to make sure your JAR has a JamLib-File-Name attribute in its manifest that contains the original file name of the JAR, including the .jar extension:

jar {
  manifest {
      'JamLib-File-Name'      : "my-cool-mod-${rootProject.version}.jar", // (1)
  1. Remember to replace my-cool-mod with your JAR name.

You then need to call the method from your main mod initializer (in the common initializer, if you are using a multiloader toolchain):


Everything else, including notifying the user, will be handled automatically.

Sites such as 9minecraft are known to rename jars, so if a user is caught with one such jar they will be notified once per jar.