Supported Versions

  • ❌: No support at all - versions may exist for this Minecraft version, but they will not be updated.
  • 💤: New updates won't be backported, but issues may be fixed.
  • ✅: Full active support. New updates will come to this version.
  • 🚧: In progress or planned.

With the exception of Utility Belt, critical issues might still be fixed on unsupported versions - this applies to my more popular mods. Please report the issue on GitHub, but do not be surprised if it is closed.

Mod <1.19.2 1.19.2 1.19.4 1.20.1 1.20.2 1.20.4 1.20.6 1.21
JamLib 💤 💤 💤
RightClickHarvest 💤 💤 💤
Utility Belt 💤 💤
Shut Up GL Error* 💤 💤
Reaping 💤 💤
Wake Up Time 💤 💤
You May Rest Now 💤 💤
Quicker Connect Button 💤 💤

* I can no longer reproduce this error on newer versions, so the mod is discontinued. If you can reproduce the error reliably, please let me know.

Any mods not listed in this table are likely discontinued. If unsure, feel free to reach out via Discord.